
Do An Annual Policy Review and Other Essential Insurance Tips

If You Run a Courier Business, What Special Insurance Do You Need?

More people than ever may rely on Internet sales to buy goods these days. They'll find this solution more convenient, especially as the goods in question can be delivered to their front door the next day. You may have noticed this trend and have decided to set up your own business as a courier, often taking care of what is known as the "last mile" delivery from distributor to home. Yet you need to look carefully at insurance and consider one specific type of cover before proceeding. Read More 

With Any New Business, Insurance Should Be the First Spend

When you first start out in business, you may be tempted to keep your costs as low as possible. After all, you may want to do this until you get a footing and make sure that you can generate more revenue than your outgoings. While this approach may be laudable in many respects, there are certain costs that you must incur or might be taking substantial risks that could come back to haunt you. Read More 

A Guide On Public Liability Insurance

Public liability insurance offers recompense to third parties that get injured at your business premises. It also covers the legal costs if a third party sues your business for damages. Below is an excerpt discussing the benefits of public liability insurance and considerations to make when applying for the cover.  Benefits Of Public Liability Insurance Third-party injury and property damage claims could bankrupt your business. For instance, take a case where a small business is asked to pay millions of dollars to compensate a customer that suffered an injury at their premises. Read More 

Types Of Tradies Insurance Policies You Should Take Seriously As A Plumber

When some people think of commercial insurance, they tend to associate it with large corporations that need to ensure their horde of employees and their valuable assets are protected. While corporations do need insurance this does not exempt small businesses, more so tradies. Whether you work on your own or have a small team of a couple of employees, insurance -- and multiple policies at that -- is critical for both the business' and your well being. Read More 

Why Contractors Should Fully Focus on Their Level of Exposure

Every business carries with it a level of risk and the owner needs to cover themselves as carefully as possible. However, some types of business have even more exposure and without adequate insurance may represent a ticking time bomb. If you've recently launched your own contracting business, then you may not fully realise your level of risk and should investigate the various different insurance products as soon as possible. Why do you need to get a comprehensive policy in place from the first day, as a brand-new contractor? Read More 

About Me

Do An Annual Policy Review and Other Essential Insurance Tips

Are you tired of spending too much money on insurance? Have you tried to make a claim and then found out you lacked adequate coverage? If you have said yes to either of these questions, I can help you. Hi, my name is Kaitlyn. I am a mum of four sons, a wife to a fabulous husband, an owner of a small business and our family's personal "accountant". I have a lot of responsibilities, and they are always easier to handle if I can keep expenses down. I decided to share my tips and strategies with others regarding insurance, and that is why I have started this blog. Enjoy!

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If You Run a Courier Business, What Special Insurance Do You Need?
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